Travels in a changing world

People and prominent figures

A past with value, which can count amongst its Members/Insured prominent figures such as  King Carlo Felice, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Arturo Toscanni and Guglielmo Marconi.

The economic miracle

Consumption changes, lifestyles change, the way one protects one ‘s family changes.

Reale Mutua Historical Museum

Palazzo Biandrate Aldobrandino
di San Giorgio
Via Garibaldi, 22 - 10122 Torino

The guided tour is included

by reservation on +39 011 431 2320

Monday - Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm booking required
Tuesday: 3 pm - 6 pm free admission (mornings by appointment)
Thursday - Friday: 3 pm - 6 pm free admission (mornings by appointment)
Saturday - Sunday: 10 am - 6 pm free admission

Accesso per persone sorde Accesso per le famiglie Accesso per persone con disabilità visiva

Book your visit to the Museum

+39 011 431 2320

Welcome to Reale Mutua Historical Museum!

A journey through the great history of Italy through the eyes of Turin's Company: the rooms of our museum are waiting to be visited!
Visit us: book a visit on the day of your choice!

The Museum premises

Palazzo Biandrate Aldobrandino di San Giorgio

Home to the Company's offices from 1877 to 1933, the Palazzo opened the doors of its Sala delle Colonne in 2007 to house the Reale Mutua Historical Museum. In 2012, thanks to a complex restoration project, it took on a completely new look.

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