"Le Rose a Dicembre" - a collection of Archive stories

On Tuesday 15 November at 6.30 pm, the Reale Mutua Historical Archive will be the guest of the Circolo dei Lettori Foundation for the launch of "Le Rose a Dicembre", the collection of short stories published by the Mondadori Group on the occasion of the Night of the Archives.

The event, curated by Lavazza on the occasion of Museimpresa's Business Culture Week, involves five business archives selected from those whose materials have inspired the stories that make up the Archivissima book, to show how business archives are not immobile places, but living material for ever new narratives.

An expression of the stories kept in the Reale Mutua Historical Archive will be "I custodi del fuoco" by Alessandro D'Avenia, a tale of a surreal dialogue between an insurance agent and Luigi Pirandello, who wants to ensure nothing less than the fire of creative inspiration.

During the presentation, moderated by Matteo Caccia, speakers will include Manuela Iannetti of Archivissima, Giovanni Francesio of the Mondadori Group, Marco Amato of Lavazza Group, Katya Corvino of Italgas Heritage Lab, Barbara Costa of Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archive, Maurizio Torchio of Centro Storico Fiat and Silvana Della Penna of the Reale Mutua Historical Archive.