"Che storia è questa? Reale Mutua raccontata in 5 anni": Riccardo Rossotto's podcast at the Circolo dei Lettori

Tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd November, the Spotify and SoundCloud channels of the Circolo dei Lettori will host the first episode of the podcast "Che storia è questa? Reale Mutua in 5 anni", a journey through the history of Italy and of Reale Mutua in the voice of Riccardo Rossotto, lawyer, president of the newspaper "L'incontro" and history buff.

Five appointments, every Tuesday from 23rd November to 21st December, to retrace five significant dates in the history of Italy and that of the Company, which have been closely linked for almost 200 years:

  • 1828, the period of the Restoration and the year Reale Mutua was founded;
  • 1859, when King Vittorio Emanuele II authorised the Company to insure the territories annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia after the loss of Nice and Savoy;
  • 1928, the dawn of Fascism, but also the year of the Turin International Exhibition and the centenary of the births of Emanuele Filiberto and Reale Mutua;
  • 1943, the year of the bombing of Turin, which caused the headquarters in Via Corte d'Appello to be evacuated;
  • 1959, when, in the midst of an economic boom, the Road Code came into force to regulate increasingly heavy traffic.